Saturday, July 27, 2013

In The Beginning 'God Said' Let There Be Suffering

Hello everybody, i Thank You for stopping by on my little place on the Internet. Fisrt of all ive been a chonic pain sufferer for 20 years and im sure if your a cronic pain sufferer and this is what brought you to my blog then you may know all to well how this untreated dibilating disease has impact you nd your loved one life. What my plan is to try to give the most accurate informtion on this disease and also share my struggle with you, I encourge yo to leave your comments and questions below in the comment box or Email me at and i will be happy to give you all the information that you need or want to help you make it through this life long sentence call Chornic Pain< /b>. First of all i will say that even though im in th medical field or i should say was in the medical field, i will offer no medical advice, any information given on this site is purely for educational purposes only! What you choose to do with this information if your 18 or older is up to you. I claim no responsiblty for your actions and always encourage you to seek professional medical advice when dealing with anything to do with the topic of tis blog. Now that this is out of the way i will first start off with statistics and numbers, i believe you will be shocked on what you read, enough off this junk, lets get started. by the way its taken me long hard hours to present this informtion to you, although this is 100% Free would like to ask you to give a small donation through the Paypal button on this sit to site on the upper right corner of this page, if you cant afford one i hope that you find this information usefull and enjoy reading my story, I look forard to reading yours as well,Thank You and God Bless

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