Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Reality of it All

Hello and thanks for stopping by, now that i have gotten some of the sterile aspects and medical information on chronic pain out of the way for those of you who are curious or just do not understand how chronic pain is defined i plan to get to what chronic pain really means and how it changes not just the sufferer but all the people that are in he or she(s) life. First I'm not looking for pity as most people with this disease will tell you,I'm not asking you to understand my personal situation and most of all I m not trying to put you in my shoes, i wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I want you to know that i had a life before this and i enjoyed every second of it,don't get me wrong because i thank God everyday that i wake up and pray that there are many more days, many more years that i will be graced with to spend time with my family and children especially my youngest son who is only 8 years old, my wish is to be here for a long time so that i can see him grow from the beautiful boy he is to the beautiful man that I'm sure he will be, i also look forward to my first grandchild from my oldest son and wonderful wife, i look forward to spending a lot of time with him or her, either way grandpas going to spoil them, well that's it for now, my next posting I m comptemplating whether i should start form the good times to the bad or vice versa, or maybe flashbacks and flash forwards to confuse the hell out of you, i will know soon, so Thanks for stopping by, i hope you come back and also share your story, i welcome all comments. God Bless

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